Monday, May 29, 2017

5/29/17.. I know that He lives and that He loves us.

Oh my goodness we had such a great week full of some miracles! Elder Kimball and I have had some amazing things happen that we are super excited about. We did a fast last week that we could find families to teach and baptize. This week we fasted that we can see our sacrament attendance rise. Well let me just say my testimony of fasting and prayer have been strengthened a lot.  The Lord blesses us for sacrifices. 

So we already had been teaching the Bennet family and she has been recovering from her c  section so it was tough to have her be committed to coming regularly to church activities. We have been trying to figure out how we can get the ward involved more and we did, the relief society brought meals over there this week and it was so great, she was so appreciative of it and it was a great way for her to get more involved with the ward more. Well we had been praying she could have a quick recovery and she has already been recovering crazy fast. She said she got some new drugs that don't make her drowsy and stuff so she wants to get really active starting now. 

We have an investigator class at the church every Wednesday and she had broken down and had to called triple A got a rental car and still made it to the class. Then Friday we had another lesson with the whole family, so Aaron the dad, Chrystal, Tae, Junior both 9, Serenity 8, and Aliah 3. We had an amazing lesson, Sister Messisco came with us and we taught the Plan of Salvation. They all were really involved and the spirit was strong. At the end of the lesson we invited them all to be baptized and immediately the mom said yes were all gettin baptized! We focused on the dad towards the end because he is a little less committed right now, but I think he will jump on board soon. Chrystal was saying some really nice things too.  She said that Aaron had been telling her to get new friends and that she feels really at home with the ward. She also said she is looking for a new job so that she can be really active in the ward when she gets back to work. It was amazing, she came to church yesterday but the kids weren't able to make it. 

We also had an investigator named Bill there and he is the chain smoker haha he is an interesting guy but seems to have desires to repent which is amazing. 
We had district meeting in High Point this last week and we talked about finding and finding families specifically. Sister Hodges gave a discipleship training and she asked some questions and it was something that I had been thinking of recently. She told us to think about who we were before our mission and then to think of who we are now. It really made me think how much I've changed or that i hope I've changed to be more of a disciple of Christ. I am the same person, but I can now say that I truly love my Savior and that is what drives me to do what I do out here.  I know that He lives and that He loves us.  I know that He is our Redeemer and that it is only through his blood that we can be cleansed of our sins.  I know that the Book of Mormon is word of God and that this is His church on the earth today.  I am so grateful to be on a mission and to serve the Lord everyday.  I am grateful for everything that I've learned here on my mission.
This morning we got out and had a home run derby with some members of the ward. We are going over to the Messiscos to play some volleyball and barbecue a bit which should be super fun. 

I got those suits mom. I'll definitely need to get them tailored, the jackets are a little big around the gut and stuff. The pants are good, I'll probably have them just slim them down by the ankles. 

After district meeting last week we had lunch with the Craddocks who drove us down there. We went to a burger place and we were just talking and Shaq comes up, flashback a month earlier Elder Kimball and I were talking about basketball and I got him to believe that Shaq came out of retirement and is playing for the Celtics this year--super funny and I totally forgot about it. Fast forward, we are talking about Shaq having a custom car and Elder Kimball goes "oh did y'all know Shaq came out of retirement and is playing for the Celtics?" it was quiet for a bit and he looks over and I'm laughing so hard.  It was so funny. 

Love yall 
love you mom!
Elder Morgan 

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