Monday, May 1, 2017

5/1/17... This week was kind of crazy!

This week was kind of crazy! And again It seems like I have forgotten everything that happened haha! 

Well we were able to find a couple solid new investigators this week. We were in some nicer neighborhood's this week looking for some people that might be a little more committable but those people are harder to find. We were driving through and we saw this super sweet jacket up jeep. So I told Elder Kimball we gotta go knock it. We knock and this girl comes out who was just super nice, knew some members growing up a little bit and seemed super interested in the restored gospel! We have a return appointment with her tonight. 

Tuesday we went and did some service for some members and it was a couple days after it had rained a TON....Their driveway was flooded and we couldn't drive in. We drove all the way out there and so we were like well we don't just want to turn back. So they canoed out and got us and we canoed back....yes it might have been a little rule bending on that but they needed some service so we went. I have some pictures it was crazy!! The water got so high haha but it wouldn't have been over our heads if we fell out so it wasn't too bad. 

We are working with the Bennet family and they are super awesome! They have some awesome kids! --Like 5 kids that are super fun and then the mom is really some lid right now but guess what she found out this week lol. She is pregnant and is going to have a baby in a few weeks and they told her that they found another baby in there and she's having twins! How crazy it that haha. But they are all excited about church they're probably our most solid people we're working with right now. 

Nothing too new though-- just the same old Salisbury this week. 

Love yall
Love you mom!
Elder Morgan 

off the record...

I'm doing pretty good my companion and I have had some rough patches a little bit and you know I'm not one to argue or fight really. He is just the most competitive person I've ever met, so everything we do he has to try and make it a competition, not even including sports so it just rises unnecessary conflict sometimes. But we are working hard and we get along most of the time. We'll probably be together another transfer I'm guessing. 

I am terrible at dealing with it.  I just don't react to some things he does and it seems to just build up anger inside me instead of resolving anything. 

He literally told me that he doesn't talk in lessons sometimes just to make me mad. Like that is so frustrating that he is affecting others... not just me. And then the spirit is gone when we have contention.

I need to change and have more love though, I realized that it's like me getting annoyed at something a younger brother would do, like copy me or something, say things to try and sound cool and I am going to be a horrible person if I can't learn to love more and not let these things affect me. I'm kind of scared that that would happen, I don't want to be that person. 

I don't think I'll send a super long email for the group, just kind of a shorter one probably sorry! I do have pictures though! 

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