Monday, July 3, 2017

7/3/17... Elder Carroll and I did a Zone Week this week.

Our zone activity last week!
We played pioneer paintball, dodgeball and kickball it was really fun! 

Wow this week has been stressful haha. We have seen some amazing miracles. Elder Carroll and I did a zone week this week. That's where everyday from 10-10:30 we have councils and trainings over messenger. So that was stressful, but it was great! 
The first day we talked about Moroni when he makes the Title of Liberty declaring freedom, and liberty, and how he stood up for righteousness and obedience. So we talked about that, then we all made our own title of liberties. Then the next day we talked about prayer, then faith to find, and then putting investigators on baptismal date. It all went really well I loved seeing everyone's input and thoughts. And it was crazy at the end of the week we found 56 new investigators as a zone. Wow. 

We saw some great miracles too. Wednesday we went to Monroe for a district meeting and we went on exchanged right after. I liked a quote that Elder Fulmer said, "Your day is what you make it." I strongly believe this. If you have a positive attitude and you are willing to work, you are going to have fun and it's going to be great. But if you wake up thinking today is going to be hard then that's what it's going to be. We went on exchanges afterwards. Elder Christensen and I came back to Pineville and worked here. We had a super great lesson with Beryl right when we got back too. We put Beryl on date for the 29th the week earlier and this week we taught her the word of wisdom.  She seems super committed to live it. She just has to give up smoking,.....and get this she felt inspired that she needed to quit smoking the week earlier so she started to use the patches. Heavenly Father is amazing and works miracles. Elder Christenson just got in the mission last week and is just a fireball of faith.  It was so fun being with him. We found 3 new investigators that night. We met this guy named Montereo who had played basketball at the church before and he wanted to come to church. He didn't end up showing at church but hopefuly next week. 
Elder Carroll and I are having a blast though-- He is a super chill nice guy so it makes it fun.  He is from Pleasant Grove, Utah. He went to Lone Peak and he is friends with the guy who got drafted from Duke. 

We found a lady named Monay, and she seems super elect!  We taught her the restoration on her doorstep and she was super stoked.  We invited her to be baptized and she was super excited too!  She said she'd never been baptized and was even talking to her mom the last week before how she wanted to. It's amazing how God leads us to people like this, searching or looking for truth and we find them. I have such a strong testimony that this is the Lord's work. She was so excited to continue to meet with us and come to church!  I'm so stoked to start teaching her, she is having a baby at the beginning of August! 

Today we just had a solid lesson with Poly. Taught her la plan de salvacíon. We have to teach her through a translator. It's pretty fun to teach like that. 

How's the new place???  

Pretty nice only 1 bathroom. Super nice apartment complex really wealthy area and nice economy. 


Tell us about him!!

Elder Carroll. We are super similar, he loves sports and just having fun so we are going to work well together. 


Great love it. The people are nice, there's a lot of apartments, so we have so many people to talk to. 

Did you get the suits altered?  Or do you need to return them?

Ya got them... they're good, I want to try and get them lengthened on the arms a bit, but they're pretty good. 

What is your mailing address?

9100 Fisherspond Dr. Apt E1 

Charlotte, NC. 28277

Amazon Pantry requests?  Favorites?? (In addition to OREOS of course!😋)  I have a bunch of stuff already in your order... Do you want the same stuff? or different?  What did you like?  What did you NOT like?

Tostitos con queso dip, maybe some protein. 

Car?  (I'm assuming so, since you have to go on exchanges so much...)

Are you the driver? Or how does that work?

No I'm not the driver. But ya full car, 

Any questions for me??

How's the south treating y'all? 

Who's Parker dating these days? Lol

How much do I have on my card? I'm trying to not use it, but it's hard when your companion likes to eat out or go shopping. 

Love y'all! 

Elder Morgan

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