Monday, June 26, 2017

6/26/17...Soooo! I'm in Pineville! ...and Chrystal, Deniel and Syrenity got baptized!

Sooooo! I'm in Pineville! So Tuesday was transfer day. Mikey took Elder Kimball and I out to breakfast before we had to head out. Then we left at 10:00 and left for the mission office in Charlotte. Got my new companion and we headed out for Pineville, which is just a suburb of Charlotte. And it is so nice. It is worlds nicer than Salisbury and Winston, economy wise. It's probably one of the nicest areas I've ever in my life. A ton of shopping centers and nice restaurants. Also a ton of apartment complexes so it's super nice for finding people to teach. You can knock way more doors in such a short time it's really nice. 
We did a lot of planning for out zone week that is coming up. I can't even remember what all happened Tuesday or Wednesday but Thursday and Friday were crazy. 

Thursday Elder Grieve and I got to drive back to Salisbury for the baptism of Chrystal and her 2 kids Deniel and Syrenity. It was so good I loved it. Got to see Bishop Daines again and the rest of the members it was so fun. Got to see Mikey and Patrick there too it was sweet. It was so good seeing Chrystal again. I guess she got me a present and is coming to give it to me when it come haha. Then after the baptism Patrick and Mikey took us out to dinner. It was so fun. They are so funny it was a blast, they're coming down to take us to Top Golf next week too haha. I'm excited it was a blast. 

Then Friday we went to district meeting with the Waxhaw district and it was super good, talked about some good tools we have to help us plan. Then we went on exchanged and I went to Waxhaw with Elder Lewis who is a new missionary in the mission. It was so fun! We biked and biked far haha. My legs were feeling it at the end of the day. We had a great day though, talked to a lot of great people and ended up finding a new investigator. Then we biked back... got back a bit after 9 and Elder Lewis realized we were LOCKED OUT! And the keys were inside! It was terrible haha! We sat outside while we were sweaty hot and biked all day for almost 2 hours until we got someone to come and Jimmy rig this door open. It was wild! And we got eaten alive by mosquitos and probably spiders, you never know in the south-- there are crawlers everywhere. It was a super fun exchange though, he had only been out 1 transfer so it was nice talking to him about how things are going. 

Sunday was great, I got to meet a lot of the members and the ward council, I never like to change and so I'm really just trying to get to know everyone and get to know the area as quick as I can. It's kind of hard because the area seems really confusing right now. But I'm working at it and I'm so excited to be companions with Elder Carroll.  He is one of the nicest people ever. We are super similar in our interests and stuff so I've loved it so far.  I'm so excited for the rest of the transfer. Our transfer vision is to make this the best 6 weeks because that's probably all we'll get together. I'm really just trying to learn the area and responsibilities so I can contribute as much as I need to and he's not doing most of it. 

Not a lot of time now but I love y'all! I will write a more detailed letter next week! 

My address is: 
9100 Fisherspond Dr, Apt. E1
Charlotte, NC 28277

Love y'all!



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