Monday, October 16, 2017

10/16/17... We found some new people to teach this week--a truck driver, a family from Ecuador, and a lady named Joy.

Had a good week this week! Saw some great miracles. 

I don't know if I told y'all about the lady that we've been teaching who's a returning member. She is awesome. She left the church for 20 years and called us a while ago that she wants us to teach her. It took her a while but she was able to gain a really strong testimony of the Book of Mormon and had troubles with Jospeph Smith but she recently told us that because the Book of Mormon brought her closer to Jesus Christ, she said she knows Joseph Smith was a prophet. It was a pretty neat experience to watch her overcome her concerns and end up with a really strong testimony. She has been sharing the gospel like crazy. She just got called as a ward missionary and has come out finding with us the last 2 days. She talks with people really good so it is awesome to have her and be able to connect with people, then share the gospel with them. She is the best though and just got her patriarchal blessing. 

We found some new people to teach this week, a truck driver, a family from Ecuador, and a lady named Joy. One was a Book of Mormon referral.  Those are always a blessing!  Maureen and her fam were set to come to church and we were stoked but they didn't show :( Jo was going to come too but he slept in.  It was a bummer but it's all good, they'll come next week. 

A member gave us a book that she put together on the atonement. It was a study that they did while she was on her mission and it's 3 months and everyday is a different talk or chapter in the scriptures and it's amazing.  It's been so fun. I've learned a lot more about the sacrifice that our savior made for us. I think my favorite chapter in the bBook of Mormon is Alma 7. It's so good. Just jammed packed with doctrine. You can tell how much Alma has been through to get to where his understanding of the atonement is. He knows how important it is and how we need to live our lives and strive to be better to have it play affect in our lives everyday.  We're always indebted to the Savior for what he did for us. Justice would doom us all without the mercy that's comes from the Savior and his sacrifice. 

We taught gospel principles this week and it was really fun.  We had a good conversation about missionary work and the topic was a lot about angels-- how many of them are around us and go before us to prepare others to receive the gospel.

I'm gonna be sad when all the missionaries leave this transfer.  I know a lot of them, but I think I'll see most of them again in Utah for school which should be a lot of fun. 
Today's been pretty lax just went and played Top Golf which is always pretty fun. Then we went to church to play nerf with some other missionaries which is pretty boring lol. 

Love y'all 
Love you mom! 
Tell Sarah I said happy birthday! 

When do you get transfer calls?

This next Saturday night is calls. 
Connor Call just got transferred to another college campus area...Do you have any college campus areas in your mission?
Not totally, just areas that have a campus, that'd be super fun to be on campus all the time. 
What else do you want for your birthday???

Which gift cards do you want?

Subway, t bell, McDonald's. Chick Fil A. 
Do you have enough warm clothes? Sweaters? Workout clothes? Socks? Ties? Coat?
Ya I've got a good coat still. Maybe a sweater would be good. Good on socks. Maybe send me like a light wind breaker that's slim. Or just put some money on my card and I'll go get one I like, that might be best. 

Hand warmers? The cold is gonna come before we know it!!!
I know lol, I'm good on them right now I still have a bunch from last year. 

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