Uptown! B ball court we found in the hood that we're going to this Wednesday morning to play at! |
What's up y'all!
Everything's been going good down here in Pineville. We are seeing a ton of miracles! We found some awesome people this week.
We went on exchanges this week with Sharon and I went with Elder Berryhill and it was so fun! Elder Berryhill is crazy haha He is so funny. He knows how to make a bunch of bombs... He blew up a whole mailbox in high school haha. It was so nice going on exchange with a new missionary, they just have some fire about them that is good to be around. We had a good night, we had such a weird lesson though, there was a blind guy and his family that we taught and it was just weird, it was a decent lesson but just weird situation and the blind guy wasn't super interested. Let's just say he didn't really SEE the light of the message.
Jason is doing really good. We taught him Tuesday some commandments and focused on reading everyday, praying and following the prophet. It was really good. Brother Malave came. Jason is the best, he is so funny the way he talks. He is from Ghiana in South America and he always will say what's up baby or what's up mama to women. He always speaks patwa like they did in Jamaica so I was trying to learn some 😂 wah gwan bruddah.
Church was really good yesterday, we didn't have anybody make it. Jason was out of town and David, Beryl's husband was sick so she couldn't make it either. But there were some great testimonies shared. We talked a lot about service in 2nd hour as well and I just though a lot about the service that the Savior gave while he was here. Service helps us develop Christlike attributes. Like when the the Savior washed the feet of the disciples, it was such an act of service to them... that was a great example to us.
This Tuesday is MLC and it should be super fun. It's my favorite meeting. President usually has some really good trainings and I'm excited. Jason's baptism is this Friday so it should be really good.
Pic at the mission office
How's it going with Elder Johnsen?
Super good he is so funny and has been out quite a while...He goes home in 7 weeks so we're just working hard finishing it off strong for him. It's so fun though-- he likes sports, likes to hunt, so it's a good time. We are like the same people almost sometimes it's crazy....his brother's name is Jeffrey Parker. His dad's name is Jeffrey, his dog's name is Max....ya no joke.
How is it being the Zone Leader?
It's good, just doing my best, it's just a little more responsibility sometimes but other than that it's the same. More stressful sometimes though.
Are you getting it?
Yeah little by little... Its going though
Has the humidity cooled down at all?
Ya this week was soooo nice! It wasn't humid much and it was so nice to be out working in the cool heat. It was so nice towards the evening time because it was really cool. I guess there's a massive hurricane that might come our way too called Hurricane Irma... look it up.
Is Maddi's friend in your ward?
Ya she lives right by us, super nice family.
What is your scripture study routine?
Start with the Book of Mormon, read 5 pages and mark Christlike attributes, then I go to Preach My Gospel and study a topic and doctrine section. Then if I have time I'll go to the New Testament and study a chapter as well.
Love you!
Elder Morgan
We got to drive the big van for a night!
Then we passed the Nascar Hall of Fame on exchanges in Uptown.
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