Monday, September 25, 2017

9/25/17.. We went teaching with President Alexander and taught Jason

Hey y'all! 

Hope y'all are killin it as always! 
Can't believe everyone is back at school already! Time goes too fast sometimes. That's something that I want to focus on coming up is just enjoying all the time I have and not getting too stressed about things. 

This week was a blurr really. I'll try and give some details of what's going on but I can't think right now haha. 

Tuesday we went to the chiropractor for Elder Johnsen's back up in Mooresville, I thought I'd hop on the table while we're their and get my back adjusted. It was pretty good but my back has been hurting a bit actually after it. Then we drove back through uptown Charlotte....idk why it's called uptown not downtown but it is. Got some Prices Chicken for lunch when we got back and it was so bomb! Best fried chicken I've ever had. It's crazy how good it is. You've just never had any chicken this good. With some hush puppies and some slaw mmmmmhhhhmmmm now this is actually finger licken good. After dinner that night we went teaching with President Alexander and taught Jason. He only was able to come to one lesson with us, but after we had a meeting with President Hall, the stake President. We just talked mostly about how to improve the work in the zone with the members. Overall really fun day! Oh ya and I was with Elder Fife! My buddy from the MTC! We got to go on exchange and it was a blast talking again about all the MTC memories....still can't believe I can say that was over a year ago. 

Wednesday we had district meeting and then we had a meeting with he sisters and talked about our zone week we're going to do in a couple weeks. We gotta come up with a super fun zone activity to do as a zone to kick it off too. So if you have any ideas tell me!  We can't do a big group activity in public but we can go to a park or something. Let me know what some ideas are, I'm not super creative. 
We helped some members do an eagle project this week too that was pretty fun. Then we went and ate in uptown on our way back again and it was really fun.

We saw a lot of miracles this week too. Elder Johnsen and I were doing some finding, trying to talk to some people and we got in the car and realized we didn't have much time so we got out and said we'd knock 2 doors behind us and we'll find someone that is interested. Well we knocked the first, no one. Knocked the second and someone opened and it was a lady from Nigeria.  She asked us about wanting to come to church and wanted to learn more. We taught her again Saturday and had a really solid lesson with her and her daughter and put them on date for baptism. We're really excited to keep teaching them. 
We also went on exchanges this week with Elder Carroll and Elder Grieve who are companions again. It was pretty fun -- good to be back with them again we had a good time together.  

We go get pho with Jason and Star every Saturday which is a lot of fun. Guess what? Jason got the Aaronic Priesthood Sunday! It was awesome. He asked if I would do it so it was a gold experience for me doing that the first time. And another returning member asked if I'd ordain him to the Aaronic Priesthood as well in a few weeks too. Seeing people progress in the gospel is the best. I'm just grateful for the experiences I've been able to have here.

The Book of Mormon is the awesome and true. 

Love y'all! 

When did you send the package here? 

Is dad getting a new calling that he knows of? Mom what's your calling right now? 

How's Southridge football this year? 
How can I decide where to go to college when I get back if I have about a month until it starts? 
Prayer and fasting of course. What else? 


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