This dogs name is Chloe and I think she is the exact breed Chloe was |
Had interviews with President which is always awesome!
Not too much exciting stuff happened this weekend unfortunately, but it was good and we saw some miracles.
Monday we went and played some basketball at the church, which was really fun. We also played Risk and just hung out which was fun. Monday night we hopped on the bus and went downtown to talk to people get the bus schedules so we could ride the bus around this week. Well we found out riding the bus takes lots of planning and time haha but we did see some miracle on the buses. One day we rode to get to the area we wanted to be in and on our way back we saw a lady that we had talked to the week before. She approached us and asked us if we were from Utah because she was going to the Family History Center in Salt Lake. We were super excited to talk to her about it. She had been antied a bit in the past so it took a bit for her to warm up, but she was super excited when we told her we have a Family History Center in our church building. She said she just got her DNA results back for her history. It was awesome, she also knows a couple ladies in the ward so that's exciting.
Tuesday we had interviews with President! I love interviews, President is the most amazing person, you can't help but feel the spirit and be happy when you're around him! He asked everyone 3 questions:
--How are you're personal prayers?
--How is you're scripture study?
--How do you take the Sacrament?
He said these are 3 questions you can always ask yourself to always be feeding your testimony. He also said some really nice things about me and said he expects a lot from me. I told him I'm up for the challenge. He always asks if we have questions, I asked him about schooling. He was a businessman, and I'd considered going into business so I'd thought I'd ask him about it. He had some awesome insight that will help me decide what I want to study.
We had a lesson with Laird later and had some members with us. He was awesome and is progressing so well, he knows it's all true and wants to be baptized. He is moving back home Feb 14th if he can't find a job. We are going to ask him tomorrow if he wants to be baptized before he leaves or wait until he gets to Texas. But he's an awesome man.
Wednesday was pretty crazy for missionaries around the world. We had district meeting like usual then had some pizza before we watched the Worldwide Missionary Broadcast. They announced that they are changing our schedule as missionaries. Our morning schedule is not structured and we decide when we want to study and plan, planning is now in the morning instead of at night which is nice. Then p day also changed a bit, you study and plan for an hour and then p-day starts at 8 so we have 2 extra hours to do stuff. It's nice so far haha!
The rest of the week not a ton happened just regular norm stuff. Tried to stay busy, we did more finding this week in that time and unfortunately weren't able to find anyone, but it just means we gotta try harder and the Lord will bless us.
Sunday was great though! It's always so great to take the Sacrament and just feel refreshed and feel the spirit. Laird came to church, and so did our friend, not investigators unfortunately, Bill Oliver. Bill is a Catholic and loves Mormons, knows it's true but believes so firmly in the Catholic Church which is fine. He has strong faith, which is great. Also Huan Huan got the priesthood! He is so amazing and loves the gospel it's so amazing to witness it!
P day should be really fun, I'm trying to hit all the cool things in Winston in case I'm leaving next week.
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Elder Bishop and I |
Do the other areas have 4 guys to an apartment as well? or are there some with just 2 of you?
Nope there's only 2 in the mission and I got lucky enough to be in one for 6 months!
When do you talk to your mission president?
Last Tuesday
Have you had much interaction with him?
Sort of not a ton but we email him every week.
I talked to Sam Szendre today at church. He leaves for his mission to Mexico in 3 weeks... do you have any advice for him?
Just be ready to work hard. No of course study the scriptures and preach my gospel. Thats really all you need to do to prepare.
Is there anything you wish you brought or wish you didn't bring?
Not that I can think of!
I'll take pics today and send some!
Love you so much!
Elder Morgan
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