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This week was a little crazy. It was transfers, and I will be with Elder Montandon another 6 weeks. Which I pretty much knew i would be staying here. I don't really want to change areas. Just thinking about moving to a new area makes be scared. It was so weird just having to meet everybody for the first time in Winston.
We did a LOT of finding this week! Yeah super exciting right? We biked a ton of miles this week. But to start the week, transfers were on a weird day and Elder Craig went home so Elder Murray went with us for Tuesday and Wednesday. It was really fun, we got to drive for those days, which we LOVED haha. We didn't find anyone those days which was a bummer, but we did service at habitat both days for a couple hours.
Like I said, Elder Montandon and I racked up the miles on the bikes. We were just trying to be in new areas that we haven't tracted much to find new people. And nothing. All week no one, we were talking to people and just didn't find anyone interested except one potential on Friday night. Our last door we knocked on an old lady wanted to learn more. It brightened our day to finish with that. Saturday same thing, biked, knocked, nothing. So elder Montandon and I were a little discouraged at this point, we were wet from biking in the rain and cold and didn't have any number to go with it. Sunday was Fast Sunday and we knew that we needed to fast for new investigators because that's where we were struggling at the time. We bike all day Sunday and again nothing. It was raining so we were pretty wet again. We came back, broke our fast, and dug into some lasagna a member brought over. So we were energized again! We went out walking to our area because we couldn't even look at out bikes. haha. We started walking. It was dark and rainy at this time and we cross this street and Elder Montandon sees this guy down the other road a bit and says we should go talk to him. It was dark and rainy and I wasn't sure this guy would take our money or not haha. But we fear no man, so we went over to him and he had just left his house walking and thinking about life. He was 22 and wondering why the world was changing and why people his age are making bad choices that he didn't like making. We talked to him about the plan of salvation and he was excited to learn more! We were able to set up a time to meet him at Dunkin Donuts this week haha Dunkin Donuts is a lot bigger in the South, I think. But we were so happy to finally find someone and this man was prepared by the Lord to hear our message. It strengthened my testimony a lot to have that experience with fasting and prayer.
A scripture that really was in my mind a lot this week was Alma 26:27. Ammon was being rejected by the Lamanites and was getting depressed because of it. The Lord comforted him and said go back and have patience and I will give you success. This week I needed to learn patience. I was wondering why we couldn't find people, but it was because I needed to learn something. I needed to be patient all the way up until 8:30 on Sunday until the Lord prompted us to speak to the man we didn't even know we were looking for. I am so gratefull for the Atonement and the love and comfort that it brings to my life for all of my shortcomings.
I am so glad that Heavenly Father knows my struggles and weaknesses and sometimes tests them to help me learn. Something I also studied this week was in Helaman 12--why the Lord chastens us. He chastens us because he loves us. Our trials are because He loves us. Whenever we are going through a hard time we need to learn something--every time he chastens us, He wants us to learn a specific thing. I invite you all to remember that, that when life is hard, focus on what we need to learn because that is what the Lord is chastening us for.
I am glad the fam had a blast in Hawaii, i love y'all and hope you caught some nice waves for me... and maybe got a nice belly rash.
Love you all so much
love you mom!
Elder Morgan
What did you do for New Years?
nothing special just finding
Do you ever take pictures with your camera?
no i havent taken any, i save all my pictures with my tablet onto google though.
How are your shoes holding up?
they're solid... I've acquired another sweet pair from Elder Craig
Did you like the Thread Wallet? Is the color okay? I thought it was cool.
Ya i love it, its perfect
What would you say is the gospel principle you've learned the most from in 2016?
oh gosh thats tough, I've learned a lot about patience and the Lord's timing for things.
Do you need anything???
nope im good right now, i forgot to tell you those tide pods you sent gave my a rash on my stomach somehow. I had to go buy other detergent.
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