Sunday morning the zone leaders got transfer calls and we live with them so we stood by the door and listened.....I am getting transferred to Salisbury, NC and will be getting an new companion named Elder Grieves, don't know much about either but I have talked to Elder Grieves a couple times and he seems awesome. He is a super good wake boarder I guess so I think this transfer is going to be super fun and I'm praying that we will see success in our efforts.
I realized I that I love missionary work, sometimes I don't think it because it's hard, but it makes me happy to see others coming to Christ.
I'm a little nervous to be in a new area and adjust to everything there, but it will be a good growing experience. I don't know much about Salisbury but I am excited. Winston-Salem is one of the biggest cities in the mission so it will be so weird being out of the city. Also I will be leaving the 4 man apartment....I'm bummed about that because we have gotten so close here, Elder Murray from Rexburg--he goes home this next transfer, Elder Bishop from Saint George, and Elder Montandon, of course.
I realized I that I love missionary work, sometimes I don't think it because it's hard, but it makes me happy to see others coming to Christ.
I'm a little nervous to be in a new area and adjust to everything there, but it will be a good growing experience. I don't know much about Salisbury but I am excited. Winston-Salem is one of the biggest cities in the mission so it will be so weird being out of the city. Also I will be leaving the 4 man apartment....I'm bummed about that because we have gotten so close here, Elder Murray from Rexburg--he goes home this next transfer, Elder Bishop from Saint George, and Elder Montandon, of course.
We had zone conference this week on Thursday which was really great. I got to see Elder Zesiger again which is always so fun. It's too bad--I'm getting transferred to his zone and he is getting transferred to my Zone haha. We had a lot of really good trainings in the conference, we had a bunch on planning and how we can plan better with more effective plans.
Also I think it was Thursday, not sure, we met with Laird that night. Laird has been coming to church with us for the last couple weeks and wants to be baptized. He is just moving back to Texas the 14th. Well we thought we'd ask him if he would want to be baptized the 11th before he goes or the 14th, well he lit up and wanted to be baptized as quick as he can. It was amazing to hear how he has learned and come to know the church is true. He is very Catholic and has studied a lot of religious books, he has such a strong relationship with the Savior and realized he needed to join our church because it was the closest to Christ's church the way it's set up. He is also just such a great man and a friend. Once I told him I was leaving, he went to his kitchen and he knew I liked ducks and he gave me little duck figurine. It was so nice. It was a Pintail, beautiful duck if anyone knows haha.
That reminds me, I'm so happy for the Brunsons. Sounds like they're doing so well, words can't describe how happy that makes me, they're the nicest family and Spencer's the best!
Mom, That's so funny that you knew the missionary, hopefully he can put a good word into his dad haha. There is this big stadium here and I think the Triple A White Sox play there and we drive by and see them playing and it makes we want to be out there haha.
We just got done hiking Hanging Rock and then hiking to some waterfalls here it was a sweet. I'll send pictures. I also took some pictures with a couple members here.
Did you get my package?
I loved it! Thank you so much, I loved the peanut butter bars and the ties are awesome!
Did you like it?!
Loved it!!
Tell us all about transfers
Tuesday I head to Salisbury to meet my companion, Elder Grieves and Elder Montandon (my son) picks up his new companion named Elder Morgan haha yes same name.
Who is your companion?
Where is he from? Tell us about him...
He is from somewhere in Idaho and he seems nice, he wake boards.
Do you know your new address?
Don't know the address but I'll send it next week when I do find out.
What do you need?
I'm all set right now thank you!
How is your health?
Health is good I'm starting at gain some weight actually haha little bit of fat and muscle.
How are you doing in budgeting your money?
Really good actually, I have left over from last month.
If you move--do you have enough room for all of your stuff?
Ya i have enough space I think. I'm not a master packer like you, mom, but I think I can do it.
I'm so proud of you. So proud of your attitude. So proud of your example and your testimony. You are an inspiration to me and to so many others. Thank you so much.
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Huan Huan
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