Hey yall!!
Tom got baptized this Saturday and it went really good!! It was really exciting to see him and his family during that. They are really excited to be sealed as a family one day. The ward has been really great to them, and welcoming. It's been a blessing to me to be able to watch the growth in him. It's one if the biggest blessing on a mission to get to see conversion happen in others, because it helps us become more converted too. Now Tom has the gift of the holy ghost which will be one of the greatest blessings to him in his life. Not a lot of new converts realize how great that gift really is but it's awesome because that's the beginning to being born again, being changed by your faith through the grace of God, coming to know the nature of the Spirit is a process that just starts at baptism.

Oh Thursday was a fun day we drove down to Gastonia for interviews and for district meeting. Interviews went really good, I love getting that time to talk to President Alexander, he even said he would give me a departing interview before he leaves, since the new mission President will be here when I leave. He also asked for my baseball schedule so he could come watch me pitch which i thought was nice of him to want to come do that. I love the Alexander's they're so great. I don't get how any mission President does it haha it would be so hard i feel like.
Oh my goodness I did the dumbest thing this week though. So we were in a lesson with lady who ordered a bible. We have her her Bible and got talking, she was really interested in the restoration so we started to teach her. She was into the lesson and we testified and the Spirit was there but at the end something seemed to change and we asked her another question and she says "my name is Linda!" I had been calling her Wanda the whole lesson and I totally ruined it. I felt so dumb as we were leaving, I tried to recover, but there was no way 😑😂. It was a fail for sure. Note to self though lol.
Sunday we had a miracle though too. We were in a neighborhood and we decide to knock on the neighbors door of this guy we knew and he came out, we got talking and he was the swim coach for the D1 school in Boiling Springs. He was ready interested in what We had to share with him and we have a church tour with him on Wednesday, I think he felt the Spirit as we were talking which made him say yes because it was a pretty choppy door approach!
Overall great week though!
Have you told Coach Waddoups that you want to live in the players apartment? Give him my email and phone number so that I can contact the other parents to see which furniture is needed.
I thought you did that? And I gave him your email and number already, it might be best for you to contact him about it.
How is was Toms baptism? Who was there? How is he doing? How was his family?
Super good
How's the weather?
It's been really rainy lately which is typical for spring here I think. It's gone from high 70s to 30s though.
Do you have a car at all there in Shelby?
Ya we are full car! Idk why President has blessed me with full car so much....knock on
Did you get to play catch last week?
How did it feel? Do you still love it?
Ya got to throw last week, it felt really good, I think I'll be able to come back and not really skip a beat...i haven't thrown from a mound though so we'll see.
Did you get the packages???!!
Yes! Thank you they're perfect, loved all of it!! You're the best mom!
Love y'all
Love you mom
Elder Morgan
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