Well another week for the books!
Time is just flying! It is so crazy how fast things have been going, I feel like I wrote y'all yesterday and I can't remember what happened in between there and now!! I guess I'll just try my best
No it's been a fun week though
Tom is doing really good. We had dinner and a lesson with them yesterday, we taught him about temples and what we do in the temple and about family history work. He just soaks everything in. He always talks about how he is like a little kid learning for the first time in primary. He never grew up in a Christian church-- he knew the basics but it's been super fun being able to help him learn these things. It's always amazing getting to hear people pray for the first time and getting to hear them over time. They always get more personal and comfortable with speaking to Heavenly Father and it just warms my heart because that s such a special relationship that we have between us and our Father in Heaven. I've been blessed to get to see that happen with Tom and many others since I've been serving. I'm so grateful to be here in this mission. I have had some time to just reflect on the mission and I'll remember these experiences for the rest of my life-- no doubt.
Elder Bishop from Winston came back to visit the mission this week with Elder Rothenburger. If you remember I served with Elder Bishop in Winston in the 4 elder apartment (which they don't have anymore #blessed) but one of them served in Shelby, so they came and visited people and stopped and saw us! It's was so fun seeing Elder Bishop. We had such a fun time in that apartment. He's doing super good too, I guess he's going to be a medic for the national guard. They gave us a person who he used to teach to go visit and we got to teach her this week. She talked a lot but we were able to get her reading the Book of Mormon again and set up a return appointment!

Thursday we went on exchanges with the zone leaders, Elder Zesiger came her since they are in a trio it was Elder Osborne, me and him here. It was a good exchange, Brother Camp also came out with us after he took us out to dinner and so we had 4 people in a few lessons--it was kinda funny! That's when we met the lady Elder Rothenburger told us to go see. Then we drove over to Tom's house and had his interview over there. Went great. The baptism this weekend should be really good. A bunch of other elders are bringing their investigators as well. Destany is doing sooo good too. She is helping one of the Gastonia elders' investigators and now both of them are fellowshipping one of the other elders' investigators. Group chats have been a huge help with everything. Technology is definitely a blessing and a tool in the Lord's hand if we use it the right ways.
About to go play some catch today, I think, and get some groceries. Not a whole lot going on right now. We have a good day lined up though--the Hamptons are feeding us and they are one of my favorite families in the ward, such good people! We'll have FHE with them tonight. It's always fun doing FHE, it makes you feel at home!
Anyways I love y'all
Love you momma!
-Elder Morgan
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