Got a new companion this week, Elder Osborne! I'm staying in Shelby for another one at least! Which I'm totally good with, I love it out here. The ward is super fun, the people are all so nice, and missionary minded.
So Tuesday night we were in a lesson with this guy that we met named Rachad, we were talking to him about the church a little and I look down that the phone for just a second and President was calling us. When we ended the lesson we called President back and we were in the car and he told us to call him back when we got home... We thought something was going on like we were in trouble or something lol. But we got home, he just talked to us about what's going on this next transfer, told us where we were going and some details about it and then asked me about my return date and we talked a bit about that and when I have to be at school, He is just so loving it's been so nice to have him as a mission President, I've gained a lot of love and respect for him and Sister Alexander.
Wednesday we said some goodbyes for elder Luna, all the Simpson kids call him elder wuna because they can't say their L's very good!

Thursday we drove with brother camp to Charlotte. He has a tradition to get ice cream with the elders before they leave. So we got to McDonald's, no I've cream c'mon. The Wendy's and they give us our frosties and they had barely any chocolate in them, it was pretty much pure Ice! So that was fun, it's fun seeing all the people at transfers. I got to see Elder Carroll, Elder Kimball, some other peeps. Super fun! I literally don't know anyone in the mission anymore I swear haha everyone has gone home it seems like, all the sisters I came out with have been home for 3 months now.... Then got Elder Osborne. Came back Brother Camp wanted to take us to lunch too so we went and ate at the Shelby cafe, he got the garbage platter, it's a tradition for all the new elders to get it. Its got 2 biscuits, gravy, hash browns, 2 eggs, liver mush, cheese. I think I probably told y'all already but oh well.
Tom is doing super good. We had to move his date because stake conference. So he'll be baptized on the 24th, we taught him the rest of the commandments today at the Powell's house. Which was kind of weird because the Powell's haven't been to church in a while but they insisted that we have a lesson over there, it was kind of weird. But it was a good lesson. Tom is still progressing well, and excited to get baptized, and eventually sealed in the temple with his family.
Destany is sharing the gospel with her friends and fellowshipping people in other areas even! She just messaged us and said her friend wants to meet with us. She has been helping one of the zone leaders friends who has been super nervous to get baptized even, she calls her and reads the book of Mormon with her all the time. She texted us the other night and said she can't wait to turn 19 to go on a mission! How awesome is that!
Life is good out here though, I'm loving it, Elder Osborne and I get along great. Its been super fun. We have been seeing small miracles everyday, it's been so great to be able to recognize the hand of the Lord in your everyday life. I'd even invite y'all who read this to challenge yourself to recognize everyday the hand of the Lord. Something that he did for you that day, you'll find how happy it makes you to realize these things.
Did you get those scholarship questions done?
Oh noooooooo! Can I do them this week?, I'm setting a reminder to do one a night this week.
I remember in one of your last areas you were helping clean and build that orphanage... Do you do any of that type of service in Shelby?
Ya a little bit, we are helping a guy flip a house almost. We've only done that a few times. But we'll go to habitat for humanity every once in a while or go help out at another store here. But we don't do a whole lot of service right now.
Take pics of your apartment... and of YOU!!! I haven't "seen" you in a few I want to see how your hair has grown out. 😉
K I got some I'll send today!
Quote of the week?
"We must cleanse our inner vessel, before our outward vessel". I don't think that s a direct quote but its in alma. Thoughts lead to action, if you are thinking pure uplifting thoughts, your actions will follow. But if you have unvirtuous thoughts, that will lead to unvirtuous actions. Its interesting, alma is speaking about the government when he says this but it applies so well to us individually.
How are the workouts coming? Do you have any bands? I can easily order you some...
They're going good it's a lot of body weight stuff here because we have no weights, Elder Osborne and I are going to start a good workout program, I have been bad on doing the arm bands. I have them i just need to break them out.
When do you hear about transfers?
Ready for an Amazon Pantry? its been awhile! LMK any requests...
Sure! Send some protein! Plz! Send some of those Kodiak cake instant muffins I think they're called, you add milk and heat them up or something.
Do you know I LOVE YOU???
Are you remembering to say THANK YOU??? Say it MORE often than you think is necessary... it makes people feel good. 143!
Ok will do! Thank you mom 😘😙
Do your teeth still hurt?-- I can't imagine that they didn't take your top wisdom teeth out!!! When they said they took your wisdom teeth out, I just assumed that they took ALL of your wisdom teeth out!!! crazy!
Not too much, they'll probably be fine to just wait and dad can check them out when I get back or something!
Love y'all!
Love you mom so much!
Elder Osborne is from Logan Utah....only my 2nd Utah companion actually haha. He likes sports and is a big fitness junky so it'll be good for me to be with him. He is about my height. Oldest of 5. Been out 20 months. He's a fun elder.
Um idk about dinner stuff, I'm not a huge fan of the tv dinners so don't send many of those. Brown rice maybe too