Wasup y'all!
This week was definitely a test of faith. We were working hard trying to find new people to teach and things just weren't turning out all week. It's like people just hated us. They'd open the door and just immediately reject us... it was rough. We tried not to get discouraged at all. It was seriously worse than I'd seen my whole mission. People just weren't happy to see us lol.
So it got to Sunday and we just prayed before we went out and had faith that'd we could reach our goals for the week.
I prayed that we would find a family to teach and Elder Johnsen said he wanted to find 5 people interested in having us come back. We had put a lot of people who had potential in our plans and we hit it hard. First door we knocked on we met a lady we weren't trying to find and she was really interest in having us come back and teach her more. We kept going and we went over to the next apartment complex and we tried a Hispanic family that had some interest before and the dad answered and was really interested in what we shared. They invited us back to teach them more. Literally this is the first 2 people we try and see after a week full of rejection after rejection, you could imagine we were stoked haha.
A few days before we were in an apartment complex and heading to the car and we see an Isuzu Rodeo drive by and park. The lady smiled and waved and we both said we need to go talk to her some day...1 she's driving a Rodeo....best car on the road! 2 she smiled and waved she's gotta be nice. So back to Sunday, we go to this apartment complex knowing that Rodeo family is in here somewhere lol. 3 doors later and they open the door! The mom was playing the piano and she just loved the restoration.... It was in Spanish so I was just trying to follow along. I'm getting pretty good at it. I can tell what they're saying, I just can't speak it. It was great she invited us in right away but it was just her and her kid, so we couldn't go in. Miracle. So we were able to find 4 people in an hour. It was amazing.
After this we just prayed said thank you to heavenly Father. The whole week was just a test of faith and I think we were able to overcome the test. My testimony that this is the Lord's work was strengthened a lot. It was also humbling.
This was pretty much the gist of our week, not much other happened. ...except I lost my lunch...
What is the new technology program you are implementing? Oh yes! Soooooo this is sweet. In a few weeks at MLC they are implimenting Smart Phones in our mission! We will still have our tablets but we get to use smart phones now, don't know exactly what they'll be used for but starting in 2018 new missionaries are going to come out with Samsung phones.
Have you been throwing a baseball? Not as much as I'd be hoping too. I do miss throwing though.
What is your favorite Southern food you've eaten? What is your favorite thing about North Carolina? Probably the culture, it's pretty different lot of country folk that open carry and it's pretty sweet not so much in Charlotte but still see it quit a bit.
How are you doing getting up early now? Good! Still not a morning person but you just gotta do it really.
Are you still playing basketball a bunch? Not much this week but next week we are, playing right now too.
What are you doing for Pday? Playing some b ball right now!
Scripture or quote of the week? Just reading in the book of Mosiah this week. And Abinadi quotes Isaiah in chapter 14. It's one of my favorite chapters. He uses ways to describe the Savior that make you think a lot and helps us understand the Savior and his mission. I'd invite y'all to read it. Mosiah 14.
Do you know we LOVE you?? I can only pray. lol ya I do
I love y'all though! LOVE YOU MOM
Elder Morgan
That's pretty fun Parker went and took a girl to homecoming that's nice of him. This week was pretty tough honestly, we have been working super hard and we hadn't found anyone all week. It Sunday and we prayed before we went out that we'd reach our goal of 3 new investigators. Elder Johnsen said let's find 5 and I said let's find a family too. We go out and miracle after miracle we end up with 5 new investigators and a family. It was amazing. It was definitely a test of our faith. And we could tell throughout the week, it was just rejection after rejection.
Overall it strengthened my testimony a lot.
I need to start throwing I'm gaining weight little by little though I think I can get 180+ by the time I'm home.
Love you
Elder Morgan

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