Monday, September 11, 2017

9/11/17...Jason's baptism was so good!

Transfers are this week...........

..........i am..........staying in Pineville! No surprise there though. 

This week was pretty sweet! Tuesday we had MLC which is just in Charlotte so it wasn't a very far. But it was all on our technology. We got chosen out of 12 missions in the world to do this new program. Not sure what it is yet but it's a new way to proselyte I guess. We had a huge technology training to get everyone back to the safeguards so we can be ready to receive this new stuff. I hear some missions are getting iPhones and Instagram and other things so we'll see what's going to happen. .....maybe Snapchat lol. No probably not Snapchat. But we'll see idk when we'll learn about this stuff but it'll be soon. Then Friday we had a zone meeting and we trained on the technology stuff. It was pretty funny we were all set for the meeting and we had went and bought a HDMI cord and an adapter to the iPad and we plugged it all in and got it all ready.....the adapter was to the new iPhones and it didn't work. So we needed the slideshow on the iPad so 15 minutes before we had to haul over to Wal-Mart and by a new adapter. Ended up costing a fortune because those aren't cheap. Got there and got it all set up and got started 30 minutes late but hey it was pretty good meeting. It took a long time but it ended good. 

Last night was so long though, we got in at  about 9 and had a mission conference call with President about the hurricane coming in. Then we had to put in all of the indicators for the zone. Then we had to wait for transfer calls to come in and it was about 11:30 and they told us they'd come in the morning lol. We got them and President made so many changes it was so wild! Elder Johnsen and I are staying, but pretty much everyone is getting moved around. 

We got dinner one night with the Gunsons and Brother Gunson is super knowledgeable about the Book of Mormon so we had some really good conversations on it. The Book of Mormon contains somethings called chiasmus which is a literary device that was used by ancient people and wasn't discovered until the late 1900s.  It's in many chapters of the Book of Mormon. Alma 34 is a big one. Just another witness of its truthfulness. 

Friday night was Jason's baptism! It was really good! And it was a bit too long but it was good. The Cardenas Family was baptized too.  I'll send some pictures of it.  Jason's wife came. She works 2 jobs so we don't see her ever.  We're praying she can investigate, she seemed to really like church too. I got to confirm Jason which was a good experience, it was my first time so I just tried to follow the spirit. 

Other than that not much happened.  It was a great week we had some miracles finding as well. 

Love y'all 
Love you mom 


Did you go into Charlotte for the MLC? Did you spend the night there?  or is it close enough that you just go back. 

No it's about 25 minute drive plus traffic time. 

Who all did you see at MLC?

Elder Shultz, grieve, Carroll, Sister Vonasek, Sister Peterson, Elder Fulmer, some other peeps it was super fun! 

And Elder Fife from the MTC is coming into the zone. 

Have you felt any effects of Hurricane Irma?

Ya it's raining pretty good here right now and it's about 30 mph winds

The Smithees said that a bunch of people from Florida were staying with people in Chelsea's ward in South Carolina... Do you have people finding refuge there too?  

No there's none of that going on here. But we are doing drives and stuff. 

Tell us the 3 best things about our mission so far. ...

Do you need anything?

Naw I'm good right now.

Who should we pray specifically for this week?

Pray for our investigators beryl, that she can recognize an answer that this is true, she believes it's true but we're helping her recognize the spirit. 

Oh... Did you get the Amazon Pantry package???  Did you like it??

Ya it was so good! Thank you so much! 

We had a an awesome week here as well! Jason's baptism was so good! He got baptized with a family the sisters baptized. I got to confirm him and it was pretty sweet experience. I feel like Jason could be a really good leader in the church one day. He is ready to receive the priesthood. It's really exciting seeing his progress. I can't believe that you're almost done in the branch. I have seen your love for others grow so much with this calling. I want to be able to be an example like this to my kids one day. Thank you for all that you do for me. 

This week is transfers we're stating together and pretty much our whole zone is getting switched around. Elder Kimball is coming into the zone to Fort Mill which should be fun. I know some of the other missionaries that are coming in too so it'll be a good transfer. Just gotta help elder Johnsen finish off strong. 

It just keeps hitting me how fast time is going. I'm going to be home so fast it's insane how I can already say 1 year ago talking about my mission.  Also....side note I think we should get some more guns, a pistol and maybe an AR. And each have some handgun training, especially Mom and Sarah. 

The works going well though, we might be starting to teach Jason's wife soon, she came to church and loved it so hopefully she'll start to investigate soon!

Love you,

Elder Morgan 

Wow the weeks seem to be flying by.  I do not know how you feel but it is amazing to me that conference is in 3 weeks.  We had a busy week, we got home late from Island Park on Monday night and I worked for a couple of days and then I went to Utah for Thursday to check out a business that I have been looking into for a while, then I flew back for Friday and got some stuff done then Saturday we watched BYU lose to Utah which almost gave me a heart attack.  Sunday we had a great day at church and the branch.  Mom and I met with President Call about getting released from the branch this week and I feel really good about it.  It should be the same way when you get off your mission.  Work hard and do your best and when you are done, know you left it all on the field and did your best.  So the week after conference we are going to be released.  As one of my favorite talks says as one door closes another one opens, Elder Morgan I am so thankful for a Heavenly Father that knows me and loves me so much that He sent His son to be my Savior.  I love you and know how dedicated you are as a missionary and know Heavenly Father knows that as well.  I hope that you have a great week and that you enjoy every minute of it.




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