Monday, September 25, 2017
9/25/17.. We went teaching with President Alexander and taught Jason
Monday, September 18, 2017
9/18/17... This week was definitely a test of faith.
Have you been throwing a baseball? Not as much as I'd be hoping too. I do miss throwing though.
What is your favorite Southern food you've eaten? What is your favorite thing about North Carolina? Probably the culture, it's pretty different lot of country folk that open carry and it's pretty sweet not so much in Charlotte but still see it quit a bit.
How are you doing getting up early now? Good! Still not a morning person but you just gotta do it really.
Are you still playing basketball a bunch? Not much this week but next week we are, playing right now too.
What are you doing for Pday? Playing some b ball right now!
Scripture or quote of the week? Just reading in the book of Mosiah this week. And Abinadi quotes Isaiah in chapter 14. It's one of my favorite chapters. He uses ways to describe the Savior that make you think a lot and helps us understand the Savior and his mission. I'd invite y'all to read it. Mosiah 14.
Do you know we LOVE you?? I can only pray. lol ya I do
I love y'all though! LOVE YOU MOM
Elder Morgan
That's pretty fun Parker went and took a girl to homecoming that's nice of him. This week was pretty tough honestly, we have been working super hard and we hadn't found anyone all week. It Sunday and we prayed before we went out that we'd reach our goal of 3 new investigators. Elder Johnsen said let's find 5 and I said let's find a family too. We go out and miracle after miracle we end up with 5 new investigators and a family. It was amazing. It was definitely a test of our faith. And we could tell throughout the week, it was just rejection after rejection.Overall it strengthened my testimony a lot.I need to start throwing I'm gaining weight little by little though I think I can get 180+ by the time I'm home.Love you
Monday, September 11, 2017
9/11/17...Jason's baptism was so good!
Did you go into Charlotte for the MLC? Did you spend the night there? or is it close enough that you just go back.
No it's about 25 minute drive plus traffic time.
Who all did you see at MLC?
Elder Shultz, grieve, Carroll, Sister Vonasek, Sister Peterson, Elder Fulmer, some other peeps it was super fun!
And Elder Fife from the MTC is coming into the zone.
Have you felt any effects of Hurricane Irma?
Ya it's raining pretty good here right now and it's about 30 mph winds
The Smithees said that a bunch of people from Florida were staying with people in Chelsea's ward in South Carolina... Do you have people finding refuge there too?
No there's none of that going on here. But we are doing drives and stuff.
Tell us the 3 best things about our mission so far. ...
Do you need anything?
Naw I'm good right now.
Who should we pray specifically for this week?
Pray for our investigators beryl, that she can recognize an answer that this is true, she believes it's true but we're helping her recognize the spirit.
Oh... Did you get the Amazon Pantry package??? Did you like it??
Ya it was so good! Thank you so much!
We had a an awesome week here as well! Jason's baptism was so good! He got baptized with a family the sisters baptized. I got to confirm him and it was pretty sweet experience. I feel like Jason could be a really good leader in the church one day. He is ready to receive the priesthood. It's really exciting seeing his progress. I can't believe that you're almost done in the branch. I have seen your love for others grow so much with this calling. I want to be able to be an example like this to my kids one day. Thank you for all that you do for me.
This week is transfers we're stating together and pretty much our whole zone is getting switched around. Elder Kimball is coming into the zone to Fort Mill which should be fun. I know some of the other missionaries that are coming in too so it'll be a good transfer. Just gotta help elder Johnsen finish off strong.
It just keeps hitting me how fast time is going. I'm going to be home so fast it's insane how I can already say 1 year ago talking about my mission. Also....side note I think we should get some more guns, a pistol and maybe an AR. And each have some handgun training, especially Mom and Sarah.
The works going well though, we might be starting to teach Jason's wife soon, she came to church and loved it so hopefully she'll start to investigate soon!
Love you,
Elder Morgan
Wow the weeks seem to be flying by. I do not know how you feel but it is amazing to me that conference is in 3 weeks. We had a busy week, we got home late from Island Park on Monday night and I worked for a couple of days and then I went to Utah for Thursday to check out a business that I have been looking into for a while, then I flew back for Friday and got some stuff done then Saturday we watched BYU lose to Utah which almost gave me a heart attack. Sunday we had a great day at church and the branch. Mom and I met with President Call about getting released from the branch this week and I feel really good about it. It should be the same way when you get off your mission. Work hard and do your best and when you are done, know you left it all on the field and did your best. So the week after conference we are going to be released. As one of my favorite talks says as one door closes another one opens, Elder Morgan I am so thankful for a Heavenly Father that knows me and loves me so much that He sent His son to be my Savior. I love you and know how dedicated you are as a missionary and know Heavenly Father knows that as well. I hope that you have a great week and that you enjoy every minute of it.
Monday, September 4, 2017
9/4/17... Everything's been going good down here in Pineville
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Uptown! B ball court we found in the hood that we're going to this Wednesday morning to play at! |
What's up y'all!
How's it going with Elder Johnsen?
Super good he is so funny and has been out quite a while...He goes home in 7 weeks so we're just working hard finishing it off strong for him. It's so fun though-- he likes sports, likes to hunt, so it's a good time. We are like the same people almost sometimes it's crazy....his brother's name is Jeffrey Parker. His dad's name is Jeffrey, his dog's name is Max....ya no joke.
How is it being the Zone Leader?
It's good, just doing my best, it's just a little more responsibility sometimes but other than that it's the same. More stressful sometimes though.
Are you getting it?
Yeah little by little... Its going though
Has the humidity cooled down at all?
Ya this week was soooo nice! It wasn't humid much and it was so nice to be out working in the cool heat. It was so nice towards the evening time because it was really cool. I guess there's a massive hurricane that might come our way too called Hurricane Irma... look it up.
Is Maddi's friend in your ward?
Ya she lives right by us, super nice family.
What is your scripture study routine?
Start with the Book of Mormon, read 5 pages and mark Christlike attributes, then I go to Preach My Gospel and study a topic and doctrine section. Then if I have time I'll go to the New Testament and study a chapter as well.
Love you!
Elder Morgan
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Then we passed the Nascar Hall of Fame on exchanges in Uptown. |