This week was very interesting. I was really nervous for it and I had a lot of butterflies when we went to pick up our companions. My companion's name is Elder Montandon. He is from Riverside California. He is a nice guy, he plays basketball and football. We picked him up on Tuesday and it was an interesting ride back......but what was even more interesting was our lesson we had right when he got there. It was my first lesson I was really leading and his first lesson period haha. But we got a new investigator and all that matters is that the spirit was there.
Elder Montandon...?? (Since Brad didn't send any pics, I had to search for one on Facebook... I'm assuming this is Elder Montandon from Riverside, CA!) |
We did a lot of finding this week, we were biking a lot. Bike week is always rough, we try and go to different places every day, and it's kind of hard to get 8 hours of productive proselyting in a new area every day. But it's soooo nice to have a 4 Elder apartment--it makes it a lot of fun when you are in back home relaxing at night.
Biking in the night is really cold now, the sweaters, gloves and beanie you sent were perfect! I even broke out the thermals haha. I'm a wuss biking at night though. Especially because my pinky stops moving when it's cold!
Today is pday and we just got done playing basketball at the church, it was so fun and very much needed! We play 3 on 3 on 3 continuous and then 5 on 5. It's fun and Elder Montandon is actually pretty good, he almost dunked a couple times. He's just super cocky so it's hard not to get super competitive haha.
The highlight of the week was definitely Sunday, it was the primary program and it was the best! The kids are so funny and a couple even threw a shout out to us . It's always funny when the kids grab the mic and yell right into it haha.
Our ward goes backward so Elder Quorum and Sunday School are first, we taught Huan Huan during Sunday school, and it was solid, he will be baptized in 3 weeks most likely! I'm super pumped and we are meeting a couple times this a week and next week! He is solid, he just told us how he wants to honor God by following him. He has a concern with tea but it shouldn't be a hold up. Jon and Jacob both came to church, we weren't able to meet with them after but next time we meet with him we will probably put him on date!
This week is car week so it should be a lot better and a lot warmer haha. Elder Montandon has already grown a lot this week and hopefully we can continue getting better and working in unity. We have a lot of good things happening this next week. We got a lot of bible referrals that wanted to meet with us. It's going to be a great week, and a great couple of transfers.
Love you all so much
Love you mom!
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