This week went by so quick!
Monday was super fun we played basketball for a while then we got Taco Bell for dinner! It was Halloween and we couldn't go out so we just hung out at the apartment. We had so much fun the whole time was a great day!
Then Tuesday morning was our miracle! We had just gotten ready for the day and getting ready to study at 8 when we saw we missed a call from Sister Davidson, whose boyfriend we taught 2 weeks ago. We called her back and she told us an experience that he had the other day. He told her that he had heard a voice tell him that what we taught was true and that he needed to continue to come to church and watch over and protect Sister Davidson and her son Jacob! It was such a great start to a great week! She then invited us over for dinner and another lesson for this Sunday....We were pretty hyped after we heard that. Then we went and helped someone move on Tuesday and nothing else really happened the rest of the day... we just tried to find some people.
Wednesday (B's Birthday!) was the same we didn't really have anything exciting happen just tried to find people and talk to people but it was mostly a bust. But we did find 1 new investigator who they'd previously talked to and she had been listening to the Book of Mormon.
Thursday was zone conference and it was amazing! They had given us stuff to prepare for zone meeting and the zone leaders that live with us had to do a certain role play. It was getting someone who hadn't read the Book of Mormon to know the importance of it with only asking questions so we practiced that the whole week.....It was pretty tough but it was fun and a good practice. President emphasized kneeling in prayer with investigators. President and Sister Alexander are the best. They're seriously the kindest people ever!
They also introduced the knew Christmas initiative which Elder Leavitt said they're the best so that should be fun for the next couple months.
They also introduced the knew Christmas initiative which Elder Leavitt said they're the best so that should be fun for the next couple months.
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zone conference with the MTC crew--Elder Zesiger and Elder Fife |
I forgot what day this happened but Elder Leavitt and I went to these super sketch apartment to find a less active. We had to go through security when we got in. Then we get up to her door and she opens it and she couldn't breathe! She was gasping for air so bad and Elder Leavitt and I almost called the ambulance! It was crazy! She just had some super bad athsma and only 40% lung capacity.....just a weird place all together. It was the same apartment complex the other Elders went to the other night and there was a dead body that stunk up a whole floor!
Friday we went and did service at the Restore for Habitat. Then Friday and Saturday nothing really happened. We had a member home lesson set up with Brittany but she canceled sadly.
But Sunday was awesome! Jon and Jacob, Sister Davidson's son, came to church, and we had dinner and taught the plan of salvation after. They're awesome and Jon is well on his way to be baptized soon and Jacob can't yet because his dad won't let him but I'm sure it'll all work out!
We just got done hiking pilot mountain which was really fun but it wasn't as good as I was hoping, we drove almost all the way up the mountain and then just hiked a circle around the top, sorta lame but it was a good view, I'll send pictures.
Overall it was a really fun week and transfers are coming up this next week which is a little scary! I'm almost done with training already...I've already been gone over 3 months that is so weird! I'm not sure at all what is going to happen whether I'm staying or leaving so we'll all just find out this next week I guess.
1)Tell us about your birthday..
B day was just a normal day, except we did get Coldstones at night which was Soooo good...of course I got cake batter!
B day was just a normal day, except we did get Coldstones at night which was Soooo good...of course I got cake batter!
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cake batter! |
2)Did you get the packages??!
Ya i got them thank you so much! I loved the ties and the winter stuff it was perfect I'll need them soon.
Ya i got them thank you so much! I loved the ties and the winter stuff it was perfect I'll need them soon.
3)Did you get the special delivery?!
I got the pizza! We were so excited when it came! Except it had Carolina Panthers all over it...
I got the pizza! We were so excited when it came! Except it had Carolina Panthers all over it...
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Panthers? |
4)Have you gotten to know President Alexander much? How often do you get to meet with him since you are so far out?
Yeah I've gotten to know him a little bit... He is an amazing man! I even heard a lot of crazy stories about him, he is such a good guy.
Yeah I've gotten to know him a little bit... He is an amazing man! I even heard a lot of crazy stories about him, he is such a good guy.
5)When do you find out about transfers?
This Saturday
This Saturday
6)I need to get your plaque made for the church--What is your favorite scripture you want on there-I think it can be three lines.
3 Nephi 5:13 is a good one. Our mission scripture.
3 Nephi 5:13 is a good one. Our mission scripture.
7)what is your favorite thing about North Carolina?
Hmmmm that's hard I would say just how green everything is everywhere. It's pretty amazing, especially after our hike today which I'll send pictures off in a bit.
Hmmmm that's hard I would say just how green everything is everywhere. It's pretty amazing, especially after our hike today which I'll send pictures off in a bit.
8)What is the most different thing about NC compared to here?
Everything! It's almost a foreign country haha. The culture is way different.
9)Is there anything you want or need?
I'm all set for now!
.....we're going to Golden Corral for dinner on Friday which I'm hyped for, just thought I'd throw that in.
Love you all so much
You're the best and thanks for the birthday wishes!
That's so sad to hear about grandpa I am sorry. I really hope everything goes well with him, I'm just really glad I got to see him before I left and have lunch with him.
excerpts from Brad's letter to Jeff...
HeyyyyThat's sad to hear about grandpa I really hope mom isn't a king that too hard. Thanks for the updates on Nate and the family I love hearing about those. I heard the Cubs won....Our ward missionary leader was at the game! It was crazy... He gave me a bunch of details which was kinda fun to hear about.
I've been reading in Mosiah lately and it's amazing to see how fearless some of the missionaries and prophets are. Abinadi was such a fearless man... same with Alma the Younger and sons of Mosiah after they converted. Fearing no man is a trait I'll be working on....probably for the rest of my life.
...It'll be hardest to not play baseball for 2 years probably. But I heard Jake will be playing a lot this year which is exciting.
Anyway love you so much!
Elder Morgan
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