So Monday we had a pretty normal P-day. President Adler told us not to get together with other missionaries on Pday, so they're pretty normal now. (Except when you're in a trio, it's still a party.) We also got a call... I can't remember if it was Tuesday or Monday... but Elder Fife who is going home with me, is going to come to our companionship for the last week....yes, 4 elders in 1 companionship. President Adler literally said the 2 elders can just party until they go home. So we were so confused of how we were going to do things with 4.... But this situation worked itself out which you'll find out about in a second...
Tuesday was a weird day-- something just felt a little off for a little bit. It was probably one of the longest days of my mission for some reason. We had a good lesson with the guy from Nepal who we met the week before. We brought him a Book of Mormon in Nepali. Turns out he can't read Nepali, so we showed him how to listen to it in Nepali or English on He is a good humble guy but we referred him to the YSA sisters this week. A few lessons fell through that night and we got back and we were messin around a little bit and Elder Talgo and Anderson started wrestling... Both of them are pretty stubborn and wouldn't give up, so it went on for a minute and somehow they went to the ground. Elder Anderson's leg got caught in Elder Talgo's and they hit the table & the ground and there was a loud pop on the way down. Elder Anderson was definitely hurt. He couldn't move his leg because it hurt so bad. I knew we had to get to the hospital so I tried to figure out how to carry him, but he would let us move him, so we called the ambulance. They showed up and assessed what was going on and they quickly realized he snapped his tibia and most likely his fibula. They gave him some drugs to get the pain down and as they were putting him in a splint Elder Anderson was just screaming. I felt so bad. So they took him to the hospital. We talked to President Adler and they met us there too.
Fast forward-- I slept at the mission president's home while Elder Talgo stayed in the hospital with Elder Anderson. We got there and finally went to bed around 4am. He let me sleep until 7:30. I got ready and picked up Elder Fife & went to the hospital. It was so crazy. They planned to do surgery on his leg. He broke his tibia and 2 breaks in his fibula. They stuck a rod down his tibia through his knee. He is going to be able to stay on his mission. They just gave him crutches and he can walk as much as the pain allows. That night after surgery I slept in the hospital with Elder Anderson. Nurses kept coming in so it was a long night, but kind of fun to sleep somewhere weird like that for a night.

Then the next day Elder Anderson got out at about noon which is a lot earlier than we thought was going to happen. So we went back, and got things situated for him. Since then we have just rotated staying with Elder Anderson and the other 2 will go out and work. He is doing better and is up and around more now but he has just been laying down a lot and trying to get better. So it was a good thing Elder Fife came because now we can actually go out and be productive so that is good.
On the other side of things though... Sandra got baptized this Saturday and she is doing really well. We were able to set it up so that members were reading with her over the phone this week so it just help her keep progressing. The baptism went well. It took 3 tries but it happened! It was a short little service and she was really nervous for it. Then she got confirmed yesterday which went super good too! It was pretty neat to get to see her be baptized before I go home. She is an amazing person.
We also got referral this week named Clifford. We talked to him over the phone and on Thursday after Elder Anderson got back, Elder Talgo and Fife went to go have a lesson with him. Turns out he had been praying to know which church he should join and he got an answer that he needs to join this church! So he asked if he could be baptized and he set a date. It was such a miracle. He knows a lot about the church already too. He had met with missionaries and had gone to church before. We taught him again yesterday and I got to go meet him and he's a great guy that is excited to learn more about the gospel. So that was an incredible miracle.
Unfortunatly a couple of our people we are teaching were a little MIA this week and we even set up a ride for one and they didn't answer the door, 2 weeks in a row... That's just a little embarrassing kind of when that happens, so we are going to back off a little bit and see if they reach out to us or anything.
Friday I got to eat dinner with Jason Thomas from Pineville. He is doing so good and that was a lot of fun getting to see him. He should be going to the temple in October sometime and I told him I'd love to get to come back for it and see him if I can. And then the Sheppards, who you asked about, mom, is a family from Pineville who are some of my favorite people. They took us out for lunch Saturday before Sandra's baptism. Brother Nick came from Salisbury and took us to lunch on Friday too which was fun seeing him again.
Q) What do you want to eat for your first meal back? What are you craving???
He is in bed most of the time right now.

Q) Is there anyone specific you would like me to personally invite to your homecoming?
Not anyone specifically but I want all my friends to come. I'll invite some over email today too, I just made the event and I'll send it out right now.
Q) Do you have another exit interview with him? or was that it?
Ya I'll have an exit interview with him the 26th at the Mission President's home I think. It will be good.
Q) What is your schedule for this week?
Tuesday and Wednesday will be normal we will try and crunch in as much work as we can, then Thursday is Zone Conference so I'll give my departing testimony and drive home with President and Sister Adler after that with Elder Fife.
Also... one more Q... What ever happened with Elder Hutchens's sister? (I think, Tonja in Salisbury?)
I was just thinking about this the other night. We were teaching her and had a few lessons with her in Salisbury. She was reading and came to a Book of Mormon class at the church, she got along with some of the members and things were going super good. She worked on Sundays and we were having a hard time reaching her and at that point I got transferred. And I asked the elders there about her a few times after that but cant remember what ended up happening. I'll give them a call again about it this week.
Love y'all,
Love you momma see you soon!
.......and they anxiously await his return

Can I send you pizza tonight?
What are some of his favorites and I’ll send him a quick Amazon box...
He doesn't eat much sugar. He doesn't like Mexican very much. That would be really nice of you to send a box we don't have much food at the apartment. Thanks love you
Okay. I sent Elder Anderson (and Elder Talgo) an Amazon Pantry Get Well Soon box.
For some reason it looks like it is being shipped in like 4 or 5 boxes??? Some will be there Thursday and the rest will be there by Friday.
Please give him our best and tell him we are praying for him and a speedy recovery.
And to you and Elder Fife—
Leave it all out there. I love you.

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