Hey mom! And everyone haha, I don't actually know how much of my emails get sent out or if it's the whole thing, how do you do it usually?
We had a lot of great things happen! Thanksgiving was so fun!
So I'll go through Thursday, thanksgiving. Our ward had a turkey bowl! They planned it for a few weeks so I was so hyped to go play in it all week. So we go play there, the assistants came, Elder Carol and Grieve. Then we took Sharon elders with us, because our wards were playing against each other. It was nice to get out and run around for a few hours! We went and played a pickup game with these guys that came, missionaries vs. Them and we wrecked them! It was way fun. Then we went home showered up and went to our lunch appt. She was really nice, she made us some Mexican food, her mom and dad were there and they all were just so grateful to have us in their home, they weren't members but they weren't interested in the Church, but they were great people, very humble and loving. After lunch we went and baked some muffins to bring around to some of our investigators and invited them to some things, and showed then light the world. It was fun, not a lot of people really wanted to talk much on thanks giving but we tried. Then we went to the Riebes home and it was soooo good! He smoked, then fried the turkey! So good. It was a lot of fun too.

Saturday was super busy again! We were on exchange Friday so I was in South Carolina, with Elder Fox. We had a good time, they're on an Indian reservation, so it kind of reminded me how we'd go by all those fireworks on the Indian res haha. Friday we get a call saying that a lady needs help moving into her new home. We we like ok we could stop by for a but and see how we can help.....we pull up and a 27 ft uhaul is full. And it's just us and 2 ladies. So we hopped on it and got to work. 2.5 hours later it was empty. Man can tell ya we were sore the next morning lol.
We weren't able to teach Maureen or Jack much this week, they were either sick or out of town. So we got to do a lot of finding and tried to get creative. We found a couple people we think will be pretty promising in wanting to learn more about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I love being on a mission and getting to see people recognize the spirit in their lives and then see the changes that come from it. I just want to help as many people as I can feel the Spirit in their lives because it's happiness that lasts, rather than the happiness that the world gives. Everyone should think of how they can spread the light of Christ this Christmas and light the world makes it so easy to do that.
Sunday we were at church, we unfortunately weren't able to get anyone there that we'd been teaching. But what was super amazing was that we got a call from a member telling us how this man in a family wants us to come teach him about the church really bad. It was a really good day though, we had dinner at bishops house and after dinner the mom asked if we all wanted to sing Christmas songs. So we sing and it was way off tune, of course, and everywhere and it made me think the whole time of us and the Nicholls just wailing on the chimes. I was laughing.
What do you order at your weekly Pho? I've never had it... Tell me what to order...
I get just get rare beef flank and brisket in it and it's way good. Then doctor it up with siracha and some lime.
Do you guys get a Christmas tree? I can send you a small one if you want one...?
Haha no we don't have one but the other elders do and we might do Christmas at their house since it's on a p day...that rides on me staying here though of course, transfers are the 7th.
What exactly is the "Pilot Program" you are in? What do they have you doing differently?
Use technology more, work with members a ton, plan with them to share the gospel. New Preach My Gospel will come out soon, idk if this is part of the pilot but we are teaching a lot simpler, only teaching a few principles and extending 1 commitment usually.
Do you have any Christmas requests? I am trying to get everything today on Cyber Monday so I can be done early... Send me a list...
White dress shirts, a few of mine have ripped. Long sleeve and short. If I move areas they'll let me email my new address i think.
Also, did you think of anyone in need that we can help?
I don't think so right now. If I do i might just have you put some money on my card and I can get some stuff.
Love y'all!
Elder Morgan
Had a good week! We've just been working hard trying to figure out how to utilize all the trainings we've been given, haven't figured them out too much but we saw some miracles! someone called and asked to be taught and they want to get baptized. It made my week, I just want to help as many people as I can and it has just been a little frustrating not exactly knowing how they want us to do things so it was nice to see that miracle, I think the Lord blessed us for just trying our best. Anyway love you dad!
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