This last week was crazy! Fun, stressful and crazy.
We had Mission Leadership Conference last Tuesday and we thought transfer calls were going to come later that night. But before the meeting President pulls me and another elder in and tells us we were getting transferred. I'm going to Shelby, North Carolina!
Well I'm here now... but yeah-- Shelby! Elder Carroll and Elder Kimball both served here and they talked it up a lot. So the whole meeting I knew I was getting transferred and it was kinda on my mind and bugging me the whole time. I could have stayed in Pineville for the rest of my mission-- I loved it so much! The people, my companion, the ward. It was all just really amazing. I'm so grateful to have served there. I learned a lot there. So Wednesday was pretty jumbled, it consisted of teaching a few lessons, and saying goodbye and packing. I didn't even get to say goodbye to everyone but I got a few of them. I had to say goodbye to the Sheppards. They are an amazing family and some of my favorite people. We went to dinner with Star and Jason that night too! It was Elder Ward's birthday so we went to Outback. We had a good lesson with Maureen that night too.
Thursday I finished packing everything. Which it wouldn't have fit if I wasn't given a few Space Bags. They were so nice. But everything mostly fit pretty snug. I've kept and gotten rid of a lot of things. My 2 suits I came out with don't really fit anymore, so I left those. I've gotten 5 pairs of shoes out here--mostly just from other missionaries going home. Got all of my stuff gathered. Oh and I found out my bike got stolen off of our back porch! So I took Elder Ward's bike since he's going home next transfer. We got there at 10 and I had a meeting at 1 so we went and got lunch with some other missionaries at a good sub shop while we waited. Then I got my companion Elder Luna, got our new car, got the keys to the apartment and we headed off!

It was kind of hectic right off the bat. Just trying to figure out the area and who we were working with. There's some solid members here and the ward is tiny! To put it in perspective there are single seats in the chapel with about 10 rows, no overflow! But our ward missionaries here are super solid and help out a ton! They made it really great for us. Friday Brother Hickman picked us up at 2 and came out with us all day! We actually made cookies and took them to all of our investigators. But we ended up taking them to some random people and we actually got in 2 homes and were able to talk to them about the gospel.
We are working with a family who is really nice. We had a lesson with them Saturday and the daughter has a ton of questions that are really good. It was a very Spirit-led lesson and it just ended the night on such a high note. Yesterday at church we tried our best to get to know everybody. It seems like a really great ward that we are in and it will be fun getting to know everyone. We had a really fun dinner too! We were at the Simpson home and they have a ton of kids who love the missionaries and they were just going wild, they were jumping all over us it was crazy.
I've really been grateful to be on a mission lately. I've really felt how important it is to always have the spirit in your life and how fulfilling it is to have it. We are here on the earth with a personal guide to help us stay on the right path. How great of a blessing, and how great of a responsibility it is to live worthy of it.
I love the scripture in Alma 32:23
Every seed bringeth forth fruit of it's own likeness.
I think this relates a lot to leadership and parenthood and life in general. It makes me look at true character and realize that who I am and who I become is going to effect others. A good leader creates leaders and a good disciple creates more disciples. A good father creates good fathers and it can apply to anything really.
Just a scripture that I really like.
View from my desk...
Love you so much!
Tell us ALL about your move, your goodbyes, your apartment, your companion... etc.
The apartment is 2 bed, 2 bath. No workout that's a huge bummer. I think we might be able to get a bench set from another apartment soon. My companion is from Eureka California. He played a ton of sports, has a family of 7. He's the first one to serve a mission. Very nice humble guy.
I have always wondered...
--When you move, do you have enough room in your suitcases?
For the most part yes, most missionaries get another box and fill it up with stuff.
--Have you kept good track of your stuff, or have you left a bunch of it along the way?
Both. I left some slacks that were worn down.
--Do you bring any of the food and toiletries you got? or do you just get new in each area?
I don't really, I do with my toothpaste and that stuff but not food usually. So an Amazon pantry box would be awesome right now!
--How big is your new ward?
--Are you still the ZL? How big is your area?
The area is big but we have about 70 active members I think. It is almost an hour drive across the whole thing probably.
How are you on shoes?
I'm good on shoes.
How are you on tennis shoes?
Good... a little holy, but they're good still. I got a pair of vans actually, with the birthday money too.
What size do you like?
12 normally.
Do you still wear the LeBron's to play basketball?
Ya they're solid!
Do you keep your apartment clean--ish?!
Are you vacuuming?
Ya we deep cleaned our old apartment pretty good and this one is pretty clean so far.
Just a few things a mom needs to know! 😉
Also--Speak now or forever hold your peace-- WHAT ELSE CAN WE SEND YOU FOR CHRISTMAS???
I'm pretty set right now
What treats are you craving?
Muddy buddies were so good last time :) I loved those!