So for P-Day on Monday we went to the mall and I got a sweater at HnM and then I got some shoes at Aldo that are super slick. There were these shoes that Elder Shults thought were sweet and they didnt have laces just buckles. We were all baggin on these shoes talkin some smack on them and so he says what are the odds that you get these shoes with me, i said 1 and 30...... and Elder Leavitt counted down 3-2-1 and we both said 14..... so now i am obligated to buy these buckle shoes.
We'll see if it actually happens i doubt it, but i might be wearing buckle shoes soon.
Then we went and played basketball at the church which was fun as always.
Tuesday we went and did service at the orphanage again. Its always super fun when we go do that. We threw some hay bales around for a while, and then we were getting ready to leave and he called us over to go help him corral some horses. We chased down these horsed for like 30 minutes and some were the mini horses and it was so funny. Horses are massive and one started to charge right at Elder Leavitt and he barely got out of the way we were laughing so hard! Afterwards we went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch for the half off deal they have. We each got 15 wings and it was sooooo good.
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Later that night we went to the hospital to visist a man who had just got diagnosed with cancer and had internal bleeding. It was pretty sad, but we gave him a blessing.
Wednesday we biked a lot and we were coming back for lunch, and I popped my bike tire on a drain! It was terrible so we walked back to the apartment. After that it was pretty rough and our attitudes might have been a little bad. We started walking to the other people we wanted to see when this lady drives by and yells something out the window and we couldn't hear her but she pulled over. Turned out she was super nice and had a lot of experience with family history stuff and wanted us to come over sometime so she could bake for us haha! It was such a miracle and it made us a lot happier as we worked and went to find the rest of the night.
We hadn't found anyone new to teach this week, so we had a lot of green or finding to do. Friday i just told myself it was going to be a great day and that i was going to have fun while finding. We didn't end up finding anyone new, but i had fun and it was fun talking to people even though they used their agency most of the time to not talk to us.
Saturday we drove to Pilot Mountain for a baptism over there because the other elders were on exchange and realized neither of them had their driving privileges. So Elder Leavitt and i had to cancel one of our solid appointments, which was sad, and drive the other elders to Pilot Mountian which is about 30 minutes from Winston. I think we are planning on hiking Pilot Mountain in a couple weeks also. Saturday night we hadn't found any new investigators at all and our zone goal was 100 and we had about 95 so we new we had to find some people to help out in the goal this week. It was about 7:30 Saturday night when we remembered this lady who lives just 2 floors above us who we had talked with before....oh ya before this Elder Leavitt had just popped both of his tires on a pothole so we were stuck. This lady was home and her husband was there also, they were super nice and we taught them a bit and set up another appointment. We were pretty stoked to meet them especially because it was the very end of the week.
Sunday was all right. We didn't have any investigators at church but it is still a blessing to take the sacrament every week and feel the Savior's love in your life.
love you all!
love you mom!
love you mom!
Did you get the mass gainer?
yup i now have 21lbs of it haha will last me quite a long time.
yup i now have 21lbs of it haha will last me quite a long time.
Do you want a mini blender?
no i have one that elder mautz left for me
no i have one that elder mautz left for me
What are you studying right now?
studying the book of mormon as a mission and i just read in jacob 1-3 today and it talked about avoiding pride and greed. I am going to do the christlike attribute acivity for all of the attributes.
studying the book of mormon as a mission and i just read in jacob 1-3 today and it talked about avoiding pride and greed. I am going to do the christlike attribute acivity for all of the attributes.
What do you want for your BIRTHDAY???
Gift cards to chipotle, chicfila, maybe send some nike black socks. I cant where socks with designs so i only have about 6 pairs that i can wear.
Gift cards to chipotle, chicfila, maybe send some nike black socks. I cant where socks with designs so i only have about 6 pairs that i can wear.
What was your favorite miracle this week?
miracle of the week was the lady stopping and talking to us about family history. It really brightened my day and week.
miracle of the week was the lady stopping and talking to us about family history. It really brightened my day and week.
When are transfers? Should I still send your birthday packages to your same address?
transfers are the 15th of nov so ya send them to the same address.
Excerpts from Brad's letter to Jeff...
Thats crazy about Parker's date! haha I will have to ask him about that . That is so awesome about the branch.
That is so funny that you mentioned Elder Cornish's talk, Am I Good Enough. That was my favorite talk as well! I love it, it was a big confidence booster to think that way. I am going to start to have that as my mindset from now on, "Yes I am good enough!"
I'm so excited for you and how things are going up there.
I really wish we were able to go to the temple here. We ate dinner at the Royal's house on Friday. Brother Royal was excommunicated and just got his blessing restored. It was so amazing to talk to him about it and how much a blessing the temple is. And his wife is going through for the first time this Thursday and she overcame smoking. It was so great to see the things they have done.
Love you and I'm stoked about the branch...
Elder Morgan
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NOTE: Brad's BIRTHDAY is November 2... so if you want to drop him a note, his address is:
Elder Brad Morgan
200 Forest Park Cr Apt 217
Winston-Salem, NC
or his email address is:
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