This week has been great and it flew by!!
Thursday friday and saturday flew by i cant even remember what i did haha great memory i have.
I've been a little sick the last 3 days just a minor cold and tuesday i really wasn't feeling good in the mornning and so me and elder Z didnt go exercize at all i felt bad. But later in the day i was feeling better, i took some ibuprofen which as a baseball player is like your best friend. I knew the Lord was looking out for me that day becausee guess what we had for dinner? TACO BELL, i loved it, though they didnt have the typical deal D with a baja blast. i still loved it.
We have exercise super early everyday usually at 6:40 or 7:40. But basketball in the mornnings is a nice way to start the day. There are some straight up ballers here too. I know theres a kid committed to stanford that can windmill and stuff, but you can't dunk here which is a bummer because no one gets to see me windmill or mailman. But i usually play with some kids that are goin D2 or CC, theres this kid that reminds me of beo from richland, that just shoots pull up Js all the time but doesnt miss.... this kid is better than beo too
Sunday we got to watch 17 miracles which is an awesome movie. And we listened to a guy speak earlier that said some pretty cool stuff. Then tuesday we were all super excited to listen to elder holland. we all were exciteed all day we were just going to pack snacks and skip dinner to listen to him with a good seat........we get to the place and its not him...we were super bummed but we got to hear from the young womans general president who was a great speaker. She shared some great stuff, a lot about ammon and the sons of mosiah who were great examples of missionaries. Which was awesome because i just got done reading about him in the book of mormon so it was good talking more about it. Alma 26:12 scripture of the week.
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Me, Elder Zesiger and Elder Patrick... Elder Patrick's the funniest kid from Texas! |
We have our flight plans and we leave monday morning at 3:30....A.M
ya its gonna be rough. the mtc is awesome but im excited to head to North Carolina!!
I love reading the dear elders and hearing about all y'alls week, I'm gonna start saying y'all so i don't sound like a cook in north carolina haha
ya its gonna be rough. the mtc is awesome but im excited to head to North Carolina!!
I love reading the dear elders and hearing about all y'alls week, I'm gonna start saying y'all so i don't sound like a cook in north carolina haha
Thanks for the packages and everything, it was so funny i got like 10 amazon packages in the matter of a day.
I really don't even do much for being a zone leader, i interview all the district leaders every week and report to the branch pres. Then i take the new missionaries on an orientation every Wednesday night but its really not that hard --just make sure they kind of know what they're doing. We got here and had no idea what to do we just goofed off at the start because they just put us in a classroom for 3 hours and did't say anything. So i pretty much just make sure they don't do that haha.
That is so funny with what happened to the blog haha i can just see you getting frustrated and dad telling you to calm down... and im sure he just had the time of his life in Disney World haha. Happy Birthday to Dad --so crazy he's already in his 60's...just messin, hope he has a great day... he deserves it.
I have not seen Conner Olsen yet ill look out for him tonight at dinner and later. He's going to do awesome, the first couple days are kind of stressful but once you learn to enjoy it and take it slow it is just awesome and so fun. He's gonna do great.
I see Connor Call all the time now! Ill send a picture of us and i usually take a picture of him just whenever i spot him in a crowd haha.
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Spotted sheer khan a couple times. |
How are all of your clothes working out for you? Do you need anything? Does everything fit ok?
Ya everything is great. the 15 1/2 inch colars might get a litte tight later but ill let you know... my neck get a little rashy from shaving everyday and the colar rubbing but its not bad anymore.
Ya everything is great. the 15 1/2 inch colars might get a litte tight later but ill let you know... my neck get a little rashy from shaving everyday and the colar rubbing but its not bad anymore.
Have you had any contact with your new Mission President?
No i haven't heard at all from them but im super excited to meet them i guess they are just awesome people.
No i haven't heard at all from them but im super excited to meet them i guess they are just awesome people.
Did you call that bike shop? Should I call tomorrow? or do you want to wait and see which is best?
Mom do you think i have a phone to call them? haha yes could you please call them for me that would be awesome, i might be able to just buy one from someone there for a lot cheaper though i know dad would like that.
Mom do you think i have a phone to call them? haha yes could you please call them for me that would be awesome, i might be able to just buy one from someone there for a lot cheaper though i know dad would like that.
Also is your whole district going to Char-Lit?
No we me and elder z are and the other 2 elders that are super fun are going so im exccited theyre all super cool, also there is one super good looking sister going haha not that i would even be thinking about that here though
Do you need anything before you leave?
I can't think of anything maybe just is sarah could bring some sudafed that would be great my nose is just stuffed to the max. Kinda like lebron stuffing Iguadala in the Finals.
I can't think of anything maybe just is sarah could bring some sudafed that would be great my nose is just stuffed to the max. Kinda like lebron stuffing Iguadala in the Finals.
Love you all so much Happy B Day DAD!
Love you mom,
Elder Morgs
P.S everyone going to charlotte here knows that its called Char-LIT. haha it's gonna be lit
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Shout out to Grandma and Grandpa Morgan for the donuts. They were awesome!!! |
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The guys we hang out with in the dorms on free time and stuff. |
This is an account of a very special miracle involving Brad and one of his best friends, Conner Olsen, as he reported to the MTC for his mission to Reno, NV...
From Kristy's blog: The past few days leading up to today have been hard for Conner. He was feeling anxious and scared…all emotions normal I am sure. But, as a mama, it was heart breaking for me to see and just prayed to Heavenly Father for him to feel peace and calm before leaving. I have been specifically praying that Conner’s friend Elder Brad Morgan would be somehow able to find Conner and connect with him on his first day there. I knew it would make him feel more comfortable having a friendly face and make leaving his family and friends a little less brutal. As we were driving and waiting in the long line to get into the parking lot to the MTC, I said to the kids “Wouldn’t it be so great if we could see Brad. It’s his P-day, maybe he is over there playing volleyball with those missionaries”. Literally, not 1 minute later I saw some Elders in suits walking back from the temple. ELDER BRAD MORGAN??? Yes! It was Brad, Conner’s bud! He got a big grin on his face and jogged over to the car. Conner jumped out and they gave each other big hugs and we got to take some pictures right there on the road. Talk about tender mercies and prayers being answered. Our first mission miracle and a testimony builder that Heavenly Father knows Elder Conner Olsen and is aware of his specific needs.
From Conner's first letter: My first day in MTC was only a half day but felt like an eternity, I thought it would never end. I had a million different emotions going through my head I could barely even function. As i said bye to my family at the curb for 2 years I was a mess and couldn’t believe this is the last time I could hug them for 2 years. Especially my last hug from my mom for a long time. Luckily Elder Morgan was there to pick me up and help me out, without him I don’t know what I would do. I am so grateful that out of the 2,700 missionaries down here at the MTC that we just happened to spot him as he was leaving the temple. Seeing him run down the street following our car was the greatest thing.
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