This week went by super fast again and I can say it was better than last week! We had a lot to do this week because we got a car and we could reach a lot more people. I'm having a hard time remember what even happened so I hope this email isn't boring! It was about 90 all week and super humid, so we were definitely blessed to have a car. Friday and Saturday were pretty interesting-- Friday we normally go help these people at the Mint Hill Historical Society which was a lot of fun actually. We cut down some massive trees and I learned I could totally cut down trees for the rest of my life and totally be fine!

Saturday night, though, we were trying to find some of our investigators we hadn't got in contact with and we hadn't really got anyone to commit to coming to church with us. I was really praying for a miracle and I felt like I just needed to be calm and have faith that the Lord would provide someone for us to teach. We tried a family earlier but they weren't home and that night we thought we should go back and see them. We pulled up and she let us right in. She was the one who had to cancel last minute for church last week. But she said her and her kids were totally down for church tomorrow and they asked for us to get them a ride. We got a ride for them and like 5 minutes in they showed up and we were so relieved. The drought was over!! Also the kid I think I wrote about him but we stated teaching a 9 yr old who President called us about and he came to church. We are teaching him tonight again and hopefully we can put together a fun plan of salvation lesson and get him involved. Teaching kids is fun but it's a lot harder to get creative and keep them really involved!
I went on exchanges with Elder Buss in Albemarle. Elder Buss is really funny he's from Utah and really smart guy. We taught a few lessons, one we taught a family about the commandments and he brought a string of lights and taught how the commandments light a path for us to our Heavenly Father and help us become like Him as we live them. It was fun. I always like teaching kids because it makes you become a better teacher. One of my favorite talks in conference was about teaching kids in the home, by Elder Durant. If you haven't studied it is definitely recommend it!
Fixing flats isn't too hard, I'm actually not that good at it though --a bunch of my patches have failed haha.
How is Sandra? Send some pics of her!
She said she'd be at church but didn't end up coming. We are teaching her tonight. She is doing great just needs to come to church when she is off work.
Did you ever get the package I sent with the Sonicare for Elder Anderson and all the treats??
Ya I got it and Elder Anderson was super stoked about it! Thank you so much.
Do you need anything?
I'm doing pretty good right now. Not anything I can think of
Are you sore or hurt from when you fell off your bike?
No it wasn't bad just slid in the grass.
Is the car fixed?
It'll be fixed half way through this week I think but we are borrowing a car until then.
How's the trio going?
It's pretty good. We are getting used to it more. I'm hoping we don't get sick of it because we'll probably be together until I go home lol. Just trying to get everyone to participate the same is probably the hardest part.
When are transfers?
June 27th
Have you talked to or had correspondence with your coach?
Ya he emailed us this week and actually wrote a super inspiring letter encouraging us to finish strong and really gain a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon and make a plan to stay strong when we go home.
Have you emailed Tim to congratulate him? and to ask him to help you get in baseball shape?
Ya I sent him an email last week. He said he would help me get back into shape and stuff before I go, he said he would probably get me throwing off a mound before I go too so that's awesome.
Anyways ya pretty good week thanks for all the prayers this week I could feel them. Something I've been praying more for is the ministering of angels and trying to utilize that more in our missionary work.
Love y'all
Love you mom!
Elder Morgan