Holy cow! That is so much caffeine haha I'm glad you are doing better that is seriously the worst feeling to have migraine. Early on my mission I took a pre workout called b nox I think and I got the worst migraine and my whole right hand went numb for a whole day, I thought I was going to die lol! I'm stoked for Tyler though! I hope it works out with this girl! Make sure the wedding is after my return date tho pls haha.
Dad also said grandpa is doing worse again, I'm starting to get worried and even wonder if I'll get to see him again.
I did not have time to write the application stuff, I'll have to do it this week tho, unless you need it soon? Let me know and I can get it quicker if you need, I think President lets you do school application stuff if you really need to during the week.
I'll pray for Sarah too! I really hope she gets that spot that'd be so good for her. And if she doesn't it just wasn't meant to be, heavenly father knows more than we do
This week was pretty hectic actually!

Tuesday we had Tom and Hermies wedding! It was really fun, I think it was the first wedding ceremony I've actually ever seen, or at least remember. It was funny, they had us be the official photographers haha. We took pictures the whole time of them and the wedding. They had Shelby Cafe cater which is a super good restaurant here so we ended up getting a lot of left overs for that. They are such a good little family. Hermies is such a humble person. We taught them this Sunday we went over some commandments and what they mean. He is very committed and excited to make this journey, we set a baptismal date for him for the 17th of March. He is really smart and understands pretty well what we teach him, it's so different teaching someone that doesn't have a strong Christian background which is totally what we are used to out here. Most every one has a fairly good background and knowledge of the savior out here. He good though, it makes us have to break things down a lot simpler which is great for us to work on and get better at. I think That's a good skill to have is to be able to break something down until a kid can understand it.

Elder Zesiger and Withers came down to our district meeting, which I thought went pretty good, we had a little testimony mtg for part of it in what we are learning about the doctrine of Christ that was pretty powerful. For those that aren't familiar with that term it's in a nut shell the first principles and ordinances of the gospel which are faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the holy ghost, and enduring to the end. There's so much power when these are connected in one, I think that our partaking of the sacrament every week ties it all in. I have gained a lot greater love for the Savior through partaking the sacrament. It has helped me understand the doctrine of Christ a lot more.
This one day we go see this guy who we talked to a few weeks earlier named Tom. We go in, he is really friendly, we gave him a Book of Mormon last time and we asked him about it and he said he read a little bit of it. Then he started bashing prophets and people that say they are prophets today, which there are false prophets today. But he kept going off and saying that John the Baptist was the last prophet, and that it said that it's in the bible and that God won't call another one. So I said, no it doesn't say that, show me please. And he pulled it his phone and said ah i found it, yup he was the last prophet (didn't show me the phone). I said asked to see it and he pulled it out again and it was some article about someone's opinion that he was the last prophet. So I told him it was just opinion and he got a bit heated after that and said well how do you know God would call another prophet, we shared amos 3:7 and bore testimony of it and he gets up and kicked us out of his house! Can't say it was the first time thats happened it but we were able to laugh it off and just keep going. We weren't even bashing, I think there's a difference between bashing and sharing your beliefs boldly sometimes if you feel the prompting too.
Saturday we had dinner at Destany's house with her family! Her mom is still not a member and her 2 sisters aren't either. The mom knows it's true but is having a hard time being confident with her family bashing her sometimes. But we had a great lesson with them, we talked about the temple and about the prophesy in Isaiah 2:2,3. It went really good, her sister is a strong Baptist so she knows we have different views on things but she asked about the spirit world. We read some verses in 1 Peter 3 and 4 about the gospel being preached to the dead and she understood it and it made sense to her. It ended really well, she totally believes in the spirit world now and we will have to teach her the rest!
Transfers are this next Thursday and we find out on Tuesday so it's totally up in the air, I have no idea what's going to happen. Someone said when they saw the transfer board we were staying the same, but a lot happens in that time haha.
I'll point you to what I wrote dad for my answer when we should put my return date!
more Qs...
Did you write those essay questions for the financial aid/scholarship application? Email them back and I'll edit and type them in the form.
I'll have to do them this week. I didn't open the email until today.
What did Coach Waddoups say?
He said that I will be a walk on and I have a spot on the roster already but like everyone will need to earn innings and playing time.
How are things with your companion?
Its going a lot better this week, we been talking a lot more and trying to just stay on the same page.
How are YOU?
I am doing a lot better now, last week was just kind of stressful I guess with the drama and stuff which i really don't like.
What are you studying in the scriptures?
Right now i am reading in 1 Peter and 2 Nephi. Just got to the Isaiah chapters so it's getting a bit choppy with understanding but it's coming, I'm understanding more every time I read it. I love 2 Nephi 11:4-7, Jacob and Nephi had such a deep love for the Savior and you feel it in that chapter.
How has your testimony grown
It definitely has gone precept by precept. Little by little. Little experiences everyday strengthen my faith and my testimony of the Savior and his restored gospel.
Love y'all!
Love you momma!