Cleanest apartment award! What? |
So funny last night we were at dinner with the Daines family, such an amazing family, and some of their kids and grandkids were there. Had a great dinner and she comes out and asks to call our parents. They are so nice, she has such a big heart. I knew y'all would be just getting out of church too.
Obviously she told y'all already. But I got a call Saturday from President. I'm getting transferred to Charlotte South to be in the Pineville ward. I have heard so many great things about it I'm so hyped to go there. My new companion is Elder Carrol. I have heard so many great things about him. I'm so excited for this next transfer. We'll most likely be together only 1 transfer because he has already been there 6 months. I'm excited to go to work with him there. Elder Carroll trained Elder Kimball so he has told me all about him. Elder Kimball will be with Elder Leach, a pretty old missionary that I've never met.
We had a great lesson with Tara this last Tuesday, the spirit was so strong. We decided to just answer all the questions she had written down from last time she met with missionaries. We finished by talking about the importance of a testimony of the Book of Mormon and how she can recognize the Spirit. She recognized the Spirit right then and we pointed out that she was feeling the Spirit. It was a sweet moment. Then she came to our church lesson on Wednesday night. We talked about the spirit world because that was another one of her questions. It was great. Still just looking to help her get a job so she can come to church with us!
Bennet kids!!
The Bennett are getting baptized this Thursday! Satan has been trying so hard to make this not work for them. They were in the hospital all yesterday morning during church because her sister fed the baby table food. Then they have been in and out of court because of the 8yr old step son...who's mom won't let him get baptized. But she is so strong she has such a strong testimony of the gospel and just soaks in everything it's amazing. That family is so fun! I'm going to miss them so much! President came down to interview them this last Sunday, and told me that I should go on exchanges with Elder Grieve so we can come back down to see them get baptized....Elder Grieve is the new assistant! We have 3 assistants right now and one of them is a traveling assistant, he will just go on a lot of exchanges! Pretty sweet but really I don't think I'd like to do that, you wouldn't get to teach people consistently. I wish I could send some videos I have of the Bennet kids. They are seriously the cutest little kids. I have some pictures I'll send.
Last Monday was so fun! We went up to High Point with the zone leaders and the welcome sisters, it was supposed to be a district activity but on of the companionships always bail...lame. But it was so fun we went to Get Air and it was awesome. You feel like such a little kid bouncing around for an hour like that. Elder Kimball biffed it so hard. There is a ninja course with monkey bars and he jumped swung on the monkey bars and his feet swung out from under him and he landed straight on his back on the platform. It made the loudest thud the whole place looked right at him. He ended up just getting shaken up and it was honestly kind of hard not to laugh at a fall like that haha.
Last night when we were teaching Chrystal and the family her mom was there and she asked us about church and stuff and we talked to her about the book of Mormon and she we so interested, it was awesome! She is coming to the baptism so hopefully she'll continue to investigate!
Did you get the package from Jill and E? She said she got a response that you weren't home and that you would have to pick it up>>> She felt so bad to have to make you do that. See if you can track it down before you move.
Yes I got it! It was the new Southridge hat! I loved it! So nice of them to send that. They're the best.
Who is your new companion?
Elder Carroll from American Fork, Utah
Is Elder Kimball staying there? Who is he going to be with?
Yes, with an Elder Leach
Have you talked with your Mission President much?
Ya talked to him the other day and he approved Elder Grieve and I to come back for the baptism.
How is Tara doing?
So good! She is still super interested.
Do you need anything?
Maybe an Amazon pantry box when I get to the new apartment.
Shout out to dad. Happy father day I love you and am so grateful for all you do for me and the support you give me.
Shout out to mom. Happy birthday! I love you and I don't know what I'd do without you!
Love y'all!
Elder Morgan
Happy birthday mom! I love you so much you are seriously the best! I can't even begin to explain how much of an amazing person and mom you are! I love you so much! It was really nice hearing your voices yesterday. I am actually sending off a package today lol! Love you mom! I'll write the big email now w some details maybe 1 or 2 details we'll see. Love you